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(1 edit) (+1)

Very well done, it looks like you know what you are doing.


  • The idle animation isn't great, the characters move too much. It's like they're laughing at you.
  • I think tab would be a better default key for the inventory.
  • I would like to be able to attack the wizard that greets you at the tower.
  • It would be nice to have independent sliders for music and sound effects so I can listen to my own music if I wish to.

Thank you for playing! :)

>The idle animation isn't great
Its just I'm shit artist, and its hard to work with so low resolution sprites, but its much faster. I'm trying to keep it clean as possible with my current experience.

>I think tab would be a better default key for the inventory
I'm not sure about it, but you can remap this in settings.

>attack the wizard that greets you at the tower
I think that will happen later in development ;)

>independent sliders for music and sound effects
I was thinking on that too, at least I can make switch on/off BGM option.