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Good variety of enemies/hazards. For an early build, there are a lot of pretty distinct enemy patterns that presented unique challenges.

  • something about the jump physics feels off. High jump/fall speed can be nice for platformers, but I found it hard to dodge attacks and jump through spaces between platforms.
  • Animations or some other way to telegraph enemy attacks would be nice also.
  • The shooting felt awkward. If i'm already using the mouse to fire, i'd like for the mouse to be used for aiming as well. The game would feel much smoother if the player could shoot in a direction independent of their movement.
  • In particular, short enemies were pretty annoying to fight. Maybe looking downwards could make the player crouch and shoot instead of shooting at the ground? (unless in the air)
  • I ran into a bug where, upon entering a room from the left, I spawned stuck in the wall above the spawn unable to move. After jumping a couple of times, the player character moved offscreen and the game crashed. I was not able to recreate this bug.

Keep it up! 

Thank you for the feedback, and I will definitely keep it up!