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Thanks for the feedback! How we've handled Kyrex has certainly provoked some strong opinions on both sides, so it's nice to hear some positive feedback about it. Opening with our heaviest route was probably a risky move. Thankfully most of the routes are fairly well planned out at this stage and none of them are quite like Diegos, so there should be something for everybody to enjoy hopefully!

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry, but I can't see how someone could be with Kyrex, especially because how he acts towards Diego at the festival during the bad ending, it's just straight up malice. (This came to my mind when I was about to sleep, hence I'm giving this reason to not like Kyrex now.)

Also, I played The Village That Never Sleeps right before its last update and I'm glad that you're back. And I certainly won't mind if we could whip Diego up into shape (like he was there).

Also, I can relate to Lukas' struggles with the printer, except I'm less of a straight up destroy it and buy a new one type of guy and (sometimes, not always) more of a slam my fist on the table, yelling, mouth turning into a machine gun of cuss words and insults at the engineers, programmers or the thing itself while trying to fix it kinda guy.

And also during the Spencer nightmare scene I though that Axel was pulling a prank or something.