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Thank you for creating this game! The atmosphere and sound design is fantastic :) 
The visuals are amazing, I would love to know what shader you used in Unity to create this effect. Would love to experiment with it for my student projects. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Depends how complicated you want to get with it, my original inktober renders were unlit, I discuss it here:

Now I'm using a simple 'up vector mask' for the snow shader on all the rocks. There's plenty of examples of this available online.

The terrain shader is by Flatkit which gives me pure black shadows, but I still want to build my own solution and improve upon it eventually.

We were discussing the shadows over here


Really appreciate the reply! The game looks and feels fantastic, you have done something great here :) 


The big secret is build something really stupidly simple and keep piling on polish until it looks impressive. I can build  those forest scenes in under an hour from scratch with this artstyle.