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very fun game , my record is 391 

the game could have used bit of input buffer time, because if you land on a platform and you jump but the character doesnt jump it feels a bit frustrating

also the sound for driving always starts again when you jump and land , I think it would have been better if you just turned the volume to 0 if the player isn't on the ground 

Thanks, I'm honestly suprised somebody played the game for more than a few seconds ^^

I don't know what an input buffer is, but I'll look into it. I've noticed the problem of the player sometimes not jumping (near the beginning there was one jump where that happened pretty often) but didn't know how to fix it. Thanks for suggesting that solution.

That the minecart sound always starts from new is annoying as hell and again, didn't know how to fix it. You're right, setting the volume to 0 instead of just stopping to play the sound should fix that.