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(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback. I'm really glad you enjoyed the game. As for your feedback: 

1) I know DX If I wasn't so close to the wire and exhausted I would have definitely proofread it. 

2) Hm... I'll have to take a look at the soldiers again, because they didn't give me that much of a headache in testing, but given that they're random, it could've just been luck. I think making it a pure survival goes against their intended design, but I was thinking of toying around with overhealing Little Warrior (as in, more than his max HP would allow) will spill over into damage against these enemies, that way the player doesn't feel like they're just sitting around. Right now, my plan is to try your suggestion and also try mine, while also lowering their HP to around 8 or 6. That way you only need one or two doubles to finish them off.

3) I found straights to be useful in the right situation because you get some amount of free heals. I'll have to play around with them. I didn't get a chance to look up which poker hands are more common than others.

4) Ah! How could I have forgotten to give the spells some names? Thank you, for any updates I do to this game, they will definitely have names. So far, all I could think of is "heal, "heal-nya", and "heal-nyaga" .