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The game right now is quite good and I didn't notice any bugs.

It would be a bit better if you added some sort of motivation for the player to collect acorns though. Maybe some upgrades or events that happen after a certain time or after collecting every 100 acorns?

And if possible, highlight the player with a white outline to make it stand out, unless ofcourse you think its better this way.


Well anything evolving colors are strict as this game was submitted to a game jam with a limiting color palette, so I must follow rules. As of now, I'm running on the Free Edition of the game engine, and so I can only add so much code before I run out of space. So once I get the full version, I'll be more than glad to add some extra challenges, maybe throw in some more squirrel types (that follow the color palette) and of course, more nut variations that reward more points...;) Thanks for the feedback!


Oh, okay. I didn't know Construct 3 had restrictions like that for the free version.