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(1 edit) (+1)

I think it's a strong basis for a topdown shooter! Here are some things I would suggest adding:

- being able to move in 8 directions would make movement more fluid

- making the jewel harder to defend over time, by for example removing a wall after a certain time has passed would make the game feel more dynamic, and would give the player a stronger incentive to continue playing

- a ton of different free to use music tracks can be found on, adding one would also help the game, but other comments already pointed this out

Of course, it's a bit hard to suggest "possible" improvements for a game made only within 48 hours, because the time frame is so short. So I tried to recommend things I think should not take too much time or work to implement. Great job on the jam!

Really thank you for playing and for your solid feedbacks!

I couldn't remember all those important improvements during the Jam, but be sure I'll do it all after rating time!