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The title menu looks pretty silly, but otherwise this game is excellent. The only problem I ran into is that I didn't know that talking to the doctor was supposed to be last. It made more sense to me to talk to the staff before trying to talk to the patients or inspect the cell.

I don't know if this is good, bad or neither, but I had a suspicion of what the solution would be immediately after talking to the driver and looking at the garage. Then when the doctor left, it was obvious.

Thanks for the critique! :)

Yeah, originally there was going to be 2 more scenes: 

1. An opening scene of The Detective pulling up in the car, but time constraints made it unnecessary effort to make all the graphics required.

2. Another chance at investigating the place between The Detective's first round of questions to the doctor (the questions similar to the driver's) and the ending questions. The final set was supposed to more like a denouement once you went to the doc and were like "I've solved it/I've failed to solve it!"

But, when push came to shove the time didn't permit the extra scripting to make all that work. :(

The driver was fun to write because he really wants no part in the game, literally or figuratively. Once again, though, thanks for the review. :)