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Scored 55... I liked it!
* Why do I start with only 1 health?
* The having to memorize the weaknesses  was a bit annoying, especially since they were very arbitrary..
* QAZ / JKL was a slightly akward control scheme. Maybe you could have had the enemies coming down from the top of the screen, and then the aim keys could have been horizontal!
* The gems would have looked at lot better with transparent background


thanks for the feedback!
-->  i still need to learn more about health system to make it appear in the screen, i also got some problem with screen resolution, that heart on screen just to make it look good, it has nothing to do in the game
--> yeah, the enemies and the gems color looks bit weird, cause i want to make it like weakness in pokemon(fire(red) gem beat grass(green) gem etc) but i dont know if i can change the color, so i make it same according to the source
--> yeah i think that will work! at first i also thought about enemies attacking from many direction, but i got a lot of problem in my code,  so i reduce the direction and make the enemy only appear from left
--> good idea, i think it will make the gem movement moving more smoothly,

i appreciate it dude! thanks for playing !