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Well Done..

This game was definitely not what I expected, but ti was still pretty fun to play. I was happy to check there was actual stuff on my desktop rather than it being a ploy. Although in my video I cut some parts short, it was funny all the way through. I like how we do get to have one choice in between, and I sorta ruined it for myself for misspelling my own name on my PC lol.. Regardles of that, the only real problem I had was the background noise being a bit annoying. Tbh no noise would have sufficed, or even better.. some creepy music to set the mood. Overall I give it a strong 3.5/5 only because there was a lack of gameplay.. HOWEVER, the pics make the game you're working on look amazing! Game starts at 6:47

If you are interested to see the my game I took the screenshots from, check this Youtube video I made on my Youtube Channel