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As others have mentioned this was a really solid entry, played through it twice then read the spoilers. Not much else to add other than I enjoyed the atmosphere!

Also if you need help with pathfinding just ask in the Discord. I'd be more than happy to help! I managed to get 3D pathfinding working, I'm sure 2D can't be a whole lot different.

Thank you for playing, and thank you for offering help! I may have questions for you, but one possible problem (not sure what language you're using) could be that I was coding in C#, now I'm moving to using the Rust bindings for Godot. One of the issues was trying to translate GDScript over to C#, sometimes it can take a bit...I'm mainly a PHP dev - I can write C# decently at this point (having done multiple Godot projects), but it's still something I have to refresh my memory on when I start a new game project. :)


Ah I see, never used C# with Godot. However I've used Unity for quite a looong time, which is entirely C# so I'm very fluent in it. Should be no problem. Just let me know :)