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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, thanks so much for the feedback! Also, nice profile picture - dark souls 3 is probably my favorite game.


You're absolutely right about the pathfinding, haha. Once I threw it out I decided to make a new project and really learn pathfinding so I can make more advanced games

Right, after finishing I did think that the link to theme might not resonate with everything, but to me - I made the game trying to take on a different meaning to "Family", something more like species or similar. I wanted the player to not only think about what they were doing, but also to be surprised by what they actually were at the end. However, I left the ending open to interpretation: Were you always this way and just wearing a suit? Were you transformed into the very thing you were told to destroy?

I agree about the different endings, they are way too short and my initial dialogue was much longer. However, I chose a resolution size of the original NES and had to make do with what I had :)

Thank you again for the detailed comment!