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If some disembodied voice tells me to start killing a bunch of innocents, am I gonna do it? Well, maybe if they keep giving me positive reinforcement...

The game is really cohesive in terms of art, exposition, and sound. They really help each other build towards that feeling of creepiness you were going for.
Can I ask how many endings there are? I managed to get 3.

Thank you so much, I'm so glad it all came together like that for you :)


There are 4 endings, but 2 of them are a little obscure. Each one just gives a separate message at the end.

0 kills
1-9 kills
10-19 kills
20+ kills

I wanted to give the player the chance to "accidentally" kill a creature and not be punished as much if they decided to take a different path.


Ah, right on! I figured if there was another it was a matter of degrees. I think I got the 10-19 but missed the 1-9.