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I would like to play this, but it is requiring me to download a random other piece of software. Would it be possible for you to port it so I wouldn't need to?

I made the mistake of doing it in Monogame/XNA. It requires one version of the DirectX(or something like this) as redistributable. It's not much to download it's the same requisite of Stardew Valley i guess(also made in Monogame) and i have no idea if there's some fix to this unfortunately.

Here's the redistributable if you wish to play even so.

I downloaded the thing from the link and the prompt still pops up, any idea why?

What is the error message exactly

it's not an error message, j downloaded and unzipped the stuff from the link and I still get the prompt do download direct when I start your game

Weird. Do you have directX, dotnet redistributables, etc? Do you can play Stardew Valley in you PC?

I haven't played Stardew Valley before, so I am not sure

maybe the problem is DirectX update or some dotnet dependencie. Try updating DirectX and dotnet c++ redistributable(it actually help in a lot of games like Stardew Valley that is a great game that i personally recomend)