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I finished the game  3/4 times to check out if I missed anything.

I don't think I understood that well the endings. Apart from the visual thing, which can be interpreted in different ways.

I was really eager to know more about the world you've set up.  

I really like the audio, and graphics. The music and your use of the lighting made for a great atmosphere. Even though sometimes it's maybe a bit too dark there.

Maybe a small idea for improvement: make the enemies move toward you or do other things (that still fit your world building) that would make them more lively and intriguing too I think :)

Good work!

Hey, thank you for checking it out! Cool to see that you played it multiple times.


I think the text at the end mentioning multiple endings was mostly me thinking that the majority of players will play through and listen to whoever is talking to you by killing all of the creatures and getting the "bad" ending. I wish I could have done more with the different endings but a little message was all I could manage with the time restraint. :)

You're right, it is perhaps a bit too dark. I would definitely at least add some more lighting to give the player more of a sense of where to go. As far as the movement of the enemies, initially I was going to have them run away from the player, but I couldn't get the pathfinding working very well. I was also going to set up some static turrets that shoot at you, but decided to focus on story and atmosphere instead.

Thanks again for playing :)


Yes we can see that. The game is well polished overall anyway. Good work!