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No problem!(*^▽^) 

Honestly, the original comment was WAY longer, but I didn't know if long comments were 'ok' with you yet so I just sort of... shortened it xD

Maybe I might make a playthrough if I get the time to, but that might be for a while.. twt Plus, my mic is terrible. xD I bet you would only hear my fan blowing in the background and static noise xDD

How's development going on the game, by the way? Make sure to take a break if you overwork yourself and drink plenty of water! Eat something if you need to! Take a nap! I dunno, just remember not to strain yourself! xD

(I really can't fathom making a visual novel as great as this, let alone a demo on my own! I barely know anything about game-making and coding, so it all seems bizzare to me.. Hmm.. Maybe I might give game-making a shot someday.

i really don't know xD)

And thank YOU for making this gosh darn masterpiece, you amazing person! ^^


Oh gosh, you're too kind! Shoot now I'm excited to read your comment for when the full VN comes out! XD No pressure to comment, of course! ^^;

Development is going well, thank you for asking! I'll go into a little more detail in my next devblog entry, but for the most part I'm almost done with Act 2 with a little bit of progress on Act 3! I took a break this weekend, just to rest up. But I'll be back on the grind again! I've got a quite a bit to go, but I'm getting there!

You should totally give game making a shot someday, if you want! ^^  And don't worry about not knowing anything! I'll let you in on a little secret: I always have, like, 15 tabs of RenPy documentation open when I'm working on the VN lol


Hehe, prepare for what will probably be at LEAST one full 1 page long comment of pure praise when the game is finished :PP 

Good to know you're doing well on the game, as well as mentally and physically! xD You keep doing that :3

Game development seems fun and I'd like to mess around a bit with code but online school cancels all my lockdown plans for boredom xD And I'll probably have like, x2 tabs more open than you while messing around because I know nothing XD

Anyway, maybe I'll make a small project soon when I get the chance..

But that's enough from me! :P Remember to stay determined >:33