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I really love all critical feedback and reviews! its really helped guide me in what to think about during dev processes for jams and overall what is fun for the player. Somehow this project ended up being super fun and simple enough for me to expand on that I think I might.  

seeing other stuff that people created in the short amount of time also gives me a better idea what to consolidate. one of the things I thought about after I finished was "my world was way to big, and the short term goals are few and far behind that the player could get bored."  and this was something I really did not consider when coming up with the idea for the jam. I think if i would have broken the game down into small zones where you had to collect to continue to a particular zone, it would make that short term goal of killing and harvesting a bit more fun. then of course progressively building up amour, weapons act or whatever I decide to expand on. 

thanks again for playing and for the feedback!