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This was a neat puzzle game, I thought it was really innovative. The grass coming up and grabbing the mower is a nice looking effect, and I thought the levels were done well. The double grass was a nice twist and was introduced at a good time. As I was playing I was thinking of other tiles that could be fun - maybe a rock that acts as a boundary but on the inside of the grass that you have to navigate around. Or maybe a flower patch that you can't mow down. Or hills that you can go down but not up.

I enjoyed this game, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for playing and for good opinion. I thought about other tiles (flowers and  hills) but I've started this project too late to make them (maybe the patch will fix it xP). It's funny but this puzzler has some kind of patterns  that're needed to restrict. It's almost like making levels in "A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build"