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Here i am! Took me 6 runs.

I really like the key-lock style design of the level where you have to collect necessary abilities to pass obstacles that you could't pass before. And that fits really well with roguelike mechanic.

For the downside I can think of is the atmosphere. I think you can add some post processing (not sure what this called in godot, but generally sth like camera effects) to the scene with some lighting to create kind of dungeon feeling. Also I think the FOV can be shorten a little bit.

For the gameplay part, definitely look forward to see more creative design of the use of the shotgun jump(Ex. some moving spikes or spell balls that would require to shot jump to dodge etx.) And also some animation when you walk would be perfect.

Overall, I love the natural combination of lot of mechanics and I think it would have greate potential of becoming a addictive roguelike game.

Thanks for playing!

I was trying to get the lighting to work but I couldn't figure it out in time so I added that pseudo lighting instead. I'm still searching for tutorials on how to do it!

The FOV thing was also something that I couldn't quite figure out and need to look up.

I was thinking of developing the game further, but I can't decide between going full rogue-lite and adding more randomization or changing to a Metroidvania since the permanent blood mechanic forces the map to be static. Any suggestions on that?

Good idea about adding the platforming challenges, I didn't fully commit to the shotgun platforming bit and I now realize I either should've fully committed or put more emphasis on the other weapons.

Thanks for the in depth feedback and criticisms!

I think the blood mechanic fits rogue-like better than Metroidvania.  The blood mechanic may be kind of a barrier for map and enemy design, and in my opinion exploration really values in Metroidvania, and keep your eyes on your blood while exploring the map and looking for hidden secrets doesn't sound like a good idea. For rogue-like game, I guess if you want to keep the blood mechanic, you may have to find a stable map-generating algorithm that make sure the player will meet some kind of supplies or enemies in certain distance depending on how fast the player lose blood.

I don't know if this is helpful, but make sure to consider your own thoughts as well, maybe it turns out with more funny experience! 

Thanks for the input, I didn't think of it like that! But you're right it does discourage exploration. I'll keep your input in mind when trying to plan out the game.