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This game was hilarious, especially from a game designer’s standpoint. It’s incredibly unique that the game rewinds its state of progress the farther the player progresses.

I enjoyed utilizing the “glitches” as much as possible, and it’s funny to watch as the game deteriorates the farther it gets rewinded. I loved the detail of the player’s sprite tileset going out of whack.. It would have been funny if the ending caused the game to delete itself and leave an empty Unity folder.

I wanted to see what would happen if I ignored the log and jumped off the cliff without rewinding, the slime fell off the screen and the game got softlocked.

The pixel ratio is inconsistent with some pixel ratios being all over the place. The background seems to have massive pixels and the grass is tiny. Pixels should always stay at one consistent ratio because not doing so can make the game look unpleasant to the user.

The music is not bad, but it doesn’t seem fitting with the game’s pixelated graphics. A chiptune theme would be much more fitting for the retro look instead of classical-sounding music that would fit better in a detailed and fancy setting.

Overall, this is one of the most unique games I’ve seen in the jam, especially since I have yet to see any other game here that breaks the fourth wall.

Thanks for the detailed feedback i will definetly improve :D