Sorry for such a alte resposne. I hope you are doing well, and that the game is coming along smoothly. We are all excited for episode 2. We will wait no matter how long it takes. I undertsand it's not always as easy as it seems and you run into issues, so please do take your time. It's nice to know you are actually paying attention to reviews and taking in ideas mentioned from others. Thank you for also taking my recommendations into consideration as well. Your game has such potential. I believe you'll get a lot of recognition. I also believe you could catch the eyes of famous YouTubers with your work. I wish you the best of luck! Have a great day! :)
Hey no worries. :) As you can clearly see, I haven't been able to answer comments in quite a while. I currently have a few projects going on. One being obviously tasty ramen episode 2, and the others are small side things that came along and hopefully make sure I have a bit of a budget for episode 2.
Let me just get this out though: Wow, I honestly have no idea what to say. :D This has to be some of the kindest and nicest words I have heard ever. Thank you very, very much :) I always try to listen to what people say about my games. Especially if it is makes a lot of sense to me! :D I also hope you are right, I honestly wouldn't complain about any of it. :) Thanks again and have a great day too.
One way to catch an audience is to make good content, but a really good way to keep your audience is to be involved and listen to them. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You made a good game with a lot of potential, and you are being active with you audience, reading what they have to say, taking advice and tips into consideration, and replying. Much love AND respect to you from me.
I would also like to say, I am very glad my previous words to you moved you in such a good way. You are very much welcome. Remember to not push yourself too hard. Take your time. I would like to wish you luck on your other projects. It says there is an update for Tasty Ramen. Is there any way I can see what has been updated? Also, do you have anything I could make a donation through to help you out? I really like the game and support you. I should be getting money/start making money soon, so I'd like to help you out and donate even if it's just a little amount of money.
Hey there, thanks again! :) It really means a lot to me. Thank you ver ymuch but to be honest, I was slacking a bit with the communication as of lately. I had a lot of other work to do, but I try to change that from now on. I always like to read from people and listen to them, when they talk about my game. I am just super interested to hear what they have to say.
The last update was merely a few bug fixes, so nothing major. Usually I try to announce the changes in the devlog section of this page.
Thank you very, very much for your wish to donate. :D The best way is always to spread the word. <3 But of course, a tiny bit of money is always welcome and helpful. You could either become a supporter on patreon, or you can directly donate a bit of money via the download button on this page. :)
Thanks again for your kind words. <3