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Hey there, thanks again! :) It really means a lot to me. Thank you ver ymuch but to be honest, I was slacking a bit with the communication as of lately. I had a lot of other work to do, but I try to change that from now on. I always like to read from people and listen to them, when they talk about my game. I am just super interested to hear what they have to say. 

The last update was merely a few bug fixes, so nothing major. Usually I try to announce the changes in the devlog section of this page.
Thank you very, very much for your wish to donate. :D The best way is always to spread the word. <3 But of course, a tiny bit of money is always welcome and helpful. You could either become a supporter on patreon, or you can directly donate a bit of money via the download button on this page. :)

Thanks again for your kind words. <3