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Hi Lucifer, thanks for the awesome and detailed feedback.

I definitely like the idea of giving clues to the players on where to find the next notes, I feel like I could've gave the notes a more chronological order with that. I'm definitely keeping that in mind in case I make another game similar to this!

I was also hoping to use the statues, and I see many other players also wanted something to happen with the statues, for some reason I convinced myself I would have to pack another 10 massive functions in the level blueprint. In hindsight, I could've made it in it's own blueprint :(. Brain problems.

My devlog also talks about why I made the game with no jumpscares:

Although, I understand horror games do far better with the occasional jumpscare. I think I'd probably include them next time I do a horror game.

The doors was definitely bad, I can't deny that, I'll try to make them more smoother next time. Out of interest what do you mean by traditional doors?

Ooh I like the idea of having footsteps around as we're going about the house, the only thing I thought of was having lights turn on/off, thanks for the suggestion.

Yeah the ending was a failure :'(. There was supposed to be 3 possible endings with 3 end cards to read. Unfortunately it just cuts off, DAMN THESE BUGS!

(1 edit)

Never had a coding experience, so my knowledge about game making is little to none (ironically I literally just downloaded Unity to give it a go just now) so all I can talk about is from the perspective of a player.. That being said, I am quite a fan of putting the story together myself. Not going back over my suggestion; though I still think it would be a cool thing to do, and it would take the game on a different perspective (if that makes sense?) So yeah, I personally liked how the notes were scattered around the place and I as the player had to piece it all together. So your original idea on that part was good! 

And I didn't mean a traditional door, sorry about that. I mean tot say traditional door opening mechanic; a lot of games have doors as a still object which opens when the players clicks on them. The door opens whether the player moves or is standing still and the animation still goes on after the player moves. Other games have this mechanic where the player and their camera freezes while the door opening animations take place. The doors in this game felt more like the latter. And there's nothing wrong in having that type of mechanic! I think that would give this game a little bit creep factor as the payer would have to sit there while control is taken out of their hands and anticipate a scare.

Not all horror games have to have scares! Again, I am a fan of games using atmosphere and ambience to amp up the scare and creep factor of the game rather than using jump scares every now and then to scare the player. I usually do not like bringing up other games in reviews, but a good example of this is a game called Between These Walls. That game definitely has a lot more refining to go to but as I did say in the review of that game, that the atmosphere alone was good enough to make me be on the edge of my seat. Again, I am not comparing games. Each game is their own, and just wanted to reinforce that a game does not need to have jump scares in order to be scary in any way!

And sorry about the bug at the end! Having three endings definitely seemed like a good idea but sorry it didn't work out. And also, I just realised that after watching the video you linked that the player had to rewind the clock every sixty seconds. I didn't know this and thought that it only had to be done once. Maybe adding a sound cue might've been a good thing to make the players understand that they have to keep resetting it? Then again, I think it's a cool thing to not tell the players since you had three endings in mind; one ending which everyone gets. Another ending if players are more careful and understand what they have to do with the clock and the third as you said, escape. But again, understandable that something went wrong, we're all human and sometimes things don't work out and we overlook things. Still a great job on the game on your fourth try I believe? Very well done!

(Also, Chronos/ Kronos/ Cronus was not a god. He was a Titan (Sorry just thought I would mention it.) He did eat Poseidon and Hades but Zues was helped by Rhea; Chronos' wife and then helped his brothers and sister escape. )(Also just another game I thought I would suggest checking out is a game called Bright Memory. This game was made by a person with literally no coding experience and only used the drag and drop feature of Unreal. It's a cool game and thought you might like to see it!)

Also, just realised how long this is, sorry about the long read!