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A member registered Mar 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think the environment and ambiance was nailed pretty well! The outside area, the house(s), were all very scary and very well done. 

The music and sound effects all really worked together well to make it scary. The part where you enter the house and are trying to find the other person, was genuinely a terrifying time, the darkness, the sounds, they all made it so scary!

The only place where I would say that the game could have been better are the story itself and also the scares and beginning part. Starting off with the beginning part; I think finding the way forward was a tad bit confusing as there was no direct path or anything guiding the player on where to go. Also going all the way back to the car and then all the way back to the house felt like it took away from the scare; could have added more scares or something more than just the rabbit part to keep that tension constant.

The second thing was that the first part of the house felt very underutilised; there could have been scares fitted in there. Especially on how the camera movement while looking at the items was, it could have been incredibly scary.

Then the third part of the game gives the majority of the story, which wasn't paced very well and while it's a pretty cool story with a fun and interesting twist, it doesn't pace it well and there wasn't enough subtle connections from the beginning that gave the ending the punch that it deserves.

The above are just my thoughts on how some small things could be improved, but overall, it was a pretty neat game with great implemented ambiance and environments and sounds! A fun little horror experience!

mountain is home, mountain is life

I was kidnapped... And made to clean walls?
Very eco friendly kidnappers, how nice!

No one can confine me. Pfft >.>

Also a very fun little game! Would love to see more puzzle type games as you did this pretty well! The only thing that was a little annoying was the keypad, it took a bit of a while to load and I seemed to have broken that part when I first tried t interact with it. Other than that I really liked how everything was laid out and connected!

Said it before and I will say it again; Your writing is really enthralling and alluring and I really love reading it. Loved the premise and how each path shows a different mindset and pscyhe and the endings were all alluded to. Really cool little story!

Ah, logging onto my old computer and joining some ol' chaps after fishing.. NOTHING could go wrong.. Right?

A great game, as everyone's said. Lots of personality with the endings and characters, and the puzzles were pretty good and well done in how it all ties together! Loved the art, music and everything!

We're all in a dance together in a galaxy. Let's pick each other up >.>

I came into it expecting a spooky horror game, but got a really beautifully sad story instead. I loved how the story unfolded and told the story of the family and what happened in the house and to all the characters. It was told really well and especially well tied in after what happens at the end, just, yeah, it was a really well conveyed and told story and the simple gameplay and location really elevate that and makes it so much more. Really well on this!

Ironic that I was summoned here.. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Love your tools for maps and more, use it for my DnD campaign a lot and they are super fun and useful!)

For a first game and for your age, you have made a really great game! Played a lot of survey games and this is one of the better ones! Really did a cool job and I hope you pursue and develop your skills in story telling and game dev, you can make really great games! Good luck on future projects!

I had so much fun playing this, and I honestly loved the art, as well as a simple sound effects that really made it a whole and amazing experience. Loved getting to know how the game works and playing it, and wanted to ask if I could use this in my DnD campaigns in the future? >.>

I remembered Fatal Frame and wanted to see if you had made more projects, and I didn't realise there was a whole universe you had made, so I wanted to check it out and go through all the stories and see how things were connected as I think you have a really cool way of story telling. This was fun and interesting and the personalities of the characters really make it creepy!

She hates me... *sad face*

(This was a really cool game! Loved the darkness and the utilisation of simplicity to really drive in the scariness and you did a fantastic job with this game. Only wished there was more about the story and everything, enjoyed playing it a lot!)

Had my eye on this for a while and I'm so glad I played it. It was a really well crafted story and the puzzles were so smart! I loved the first puzzle where the desktop was the solution, and using the songs over that; It was just a really well thought out and such a fun and creative way of doing puzzles! It was also interesting to see the story unfold and see what happened to everyone associated with Liz and herself too. It was super fun, and you did a great job making the game! Good luck with future projects!

Was a really well made escape room! I thought I would be stuck around for a while, but it was fairly straightforward and the puzzles were well thought out! It was both spooky as well as smart and fun! Really great experience!

Chain me up and call me by a different name, I love the cult and slaughtering for them.

Oop. I fell in the grave I dug. I done a dumb.

This was a really solid and such a great experience! The confinement of the environment, the darkness and the flickering lights, the seaweed and the dead bodies in the water, the parallax effect camera; they all go together so, so well and makes for such a great game. I really loved the disappearing guy and the eel in the end, really well made for a short game!

are we still here?

Are you proud of me> >.>

This was REALLY WELL made! Loved the starting bit and how calm it is and ten goes scary, then it goes even more scary, then coming to real life as the house has a terrifying and deep ambiance. It had great visuals and paired with really scawwy sounds, and it also felt really movie-like, which was pretty cool! Overall, it was just a great game that you made, congrats on it, and good luck for future projects!

I may or may not have cheated a little bit to get the ending, and it was completely worth it. It was simple yet wonderful! 10;10 Would Leap Year again (I literally just realised while I saw the game that it's a leap year this year..)

Hey, you have pretty eyes. Will you be meyene


I thought this was pretty neat! I loved the unfolding story and the scares that were there, were fantastic. I only wish there were more scares incorporated, and other than that, it was just a well driven story and had great visuals!

Such a smooth and scary game! The game starts off normally, and then it really becomes scary with just the environment and feel of the game, and also how long and fast the pacing is. Really well done and enjoyed playing it a lot!

Aside from some bugs that required restarting the game, you really captured the Fears To Fathom type vie and made a really good game! The allusions to always having to look out for something, the constant creepiness always there, and the overall story and how it went, were all done well! It was a really streamlined and well put together game with all the story, environment and everything else, good job on it and cannot wait for more!

I.. Uh.. I.. Cat.. Uh.. Dog.. Bone.. Smoke.. Gun... Yes..


Happy Belated Birthday, and also just wanted to say that your music and games are truly one of a kind and they tell great stories and give out amazing and intricate thoughts as well as provocate some really intriguing and mind nuzzling thoughts and feelings. Loved this and also the Milk Bag series!

I really liked this game! When I stumbled on this, I wanted to play it so much, I loved the usage of the point and click to tell the story and see it in a different way!

Loved the whole vibe of the game, the black and white really made it so aesthetic and really moody, and also added to the creepiness. The art style was also pretty clean and neat! The music was mysterious and really kept the mood up, it all incorporated into a really great game!

My only gripe with the game and where I can see it be improved if you ever make a game like this (Which I hope you do, I think this is a fantastic way of story telling and can make great games!) is the point and click system in itself. Normally in games like this, the point and click system is pretty simple where you can click on an item and/ or click on the environment and objects. I can how you wanted to make things unique and more like a story with the system you put with the different type of interactions, but I really felt like it dragged the game, especially as the story goes further.

I really feel like the interaction system should be consolidated and simplified. All the actions that you can add and connect with an environment and object, while is really cool how it makes it like a story line being written, it also gets very specific and can be a bit confusing. Some of the actions are only used around one time and it feels unnecessary to have them. So maybe consolidating them down to three of four actions might make it more of a streamlined and tighter game overall, or just simplifying it into the regular system of clicking on the object and then the environment might just make it a better experience. (This is just my opinion, I still thick what you did with it is very cool and as said above, makes it seem like the player is writing a story, it is a cool and a different approach, just that there is room for improvement.)

The other thing that was slightly annoying were two interactions; The vase and the picture fallen on the ground. The vase, is a little less annoying as it's a larger object, but it still blended into the environment a little too well, and the picture frame straight up was just part of the floor and was near impossible to see. They could have been slightly better alluded to or easier to notice as I only found them because I was scanning everything like fifteen times when I was stuck.

Those are just my opinions and thoughts, I still thought that the game was so fun and I loved the way you told the story and how it went on. It was super fun and I would love to see more if you ever made any. You did a great job!


This was pretty scary and well done! Loved how they can appear from the corners of the rooms, as well as the small scares in the in between parts, it was all well done! The mannequins looking like the ThumbThumbs were funny, but still somehow was made to be freaky. Great job on this game!

This was honestly so well done! The spookiness was high at the start, but the way to ramps up and how everything was so smoothly done, it was truly well made!

The sound effects of the footsteps and the thunder the way the game looked, and the scares that happened, it was so well crafted and so well done! I absolutely loved how seamless the scare at the end was with the rise to it from the beginning, it tied everything in so well and made it so scary!

I honestly cannot say much else, it was a wonderful game and so well made, only want more. Good luck for future projects and great job on this one!

I AMeow NOT A CAT. NOPE. DEFINTIELY NOT. MeowHM! (Pls gib me sushi)


I really liked this SCP game! It was a breath of fresh air to see NPC move around, only wished there could have been more conversation with them. Also liked how the entity had a whole warning and science behind it, it was pretty cool that you did that! Also really liked the way how the dark entities are depicted and the realisation of who they are is kept for the player to realise, that was, again, very cool and well done! Also liked how the activation of electronics was told to the player and it made sense to turn them on, that was good story telling! It was just a great SCP game and can't wait to see more if there will be, good luck for future projects!

Or Ice cream?
... Or a pizza? *dun Dun DUNN*