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Once you tell Carlos you want to play ZAGS, he won't keep bugging you to finish YAGS first.

It doesn't affect anything in the game itself. Your choices in YAGS also have no impact in ZAGS (other than the naming of Carlos and Chris), so you don't have to worry.

Oh, cool. I was quite panicked back there. Although I think it would be nice if the story could go differently depending on whether Chris dating Carlos or not in YAGS...

Yeah... I considered it, but it would have made the branching in ZAGS way too complicated.

(The prologue of ZAGS is supposed to help re-orient you to what canonically happened, and show that Chris didn't date anyone, and Carlos didn't come out until the hospital, in YAGS.)

I'm going to call out that your choices in YAGS don't impact ZAGS a little more explicitly, in the final game, since this seems to be a pretty common source of confusion.

Yes. I just read your previous update news so that clears things up for me a bit, give or take.

So canonically, Chris doesn't end up with anyone?

In the first semester, no.