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Thanks for the nice words.

In response to your concerns, believe it or not it actually benefits developers more to put out updates quickly, as each update = more exposure, more exposure = more patrons, and more patrons = more income. The reason it takes me a while to put out updates is simple: rather than releasing smaller, incremental updates that lack polish or that "completed" feel, I like to take my time, make larger updates, and make sure they're polished/mostly free of bugs.

In this quest to achieve quality, I actually sacrifice some of the potential for income I'd otherwise receive if I worked much faster... but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make for higher quality game updates, as my reputation as a game developer is very important to me!

Thanks for the constructive feedback. I'm going to post above with some info regarding the next chapter's release.


It's good to see a developer stand up for themselves and the practice they are performing. I do like how you did not just deny or reply, but a well worded response to boot! Enough to convince me your worth investing my time in following and do my small part to assist you in making your art a reality & bring to the public.


Thank you for the support!