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(1 edit)

 really wann aplay but the contro;s half way work, like... i can run jump and crouch but cant hit anything even when i was close enought to kiss it. after opening and reloading the game littarly 8 times i got it to work well enough to play. it was fun... till i couldnt hit the enemys when  i saw them. i also couldnt build anything other than  a traps, beds and torches.  the game shows yhsy it would be super cool.. once it sctrully works. id psy for it if it did csnt wait to see what you make of it

(1 edit) (+1)

I know sadly, I kinda broke the game trying to add the main features in messy ways UwU since I'm happy with the current prototype (beside the issues and bugs) I'm redoing all of it in a clean new game. So no more silly bugs, faster game and a lot of useless stuff to the trash bin.

I received a lot of amazing comments like yours and I definitely know what improve and what remove.

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you could enjoy the game beside all the problems and that you take the time to give me you critic!

Edit: I realised some of the issues you experimented are new to me like the controls, thanksfully in the next version of the game I'm using the new Input System and it will solve these bugs.

Kisses, Malerouille

 thx for woeking hard on it.  also :v maybe we can use game pad???


He he that's totally included in the new Input System, gamepads! I have one at home while working on the game too X'D