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(2 edits)

Okay, so, I might be a giant idiot, but I just can NOT get ANYONE pregnant. i checked virility, I checked whether they were ovulating or not, I checked whether they are consuming any contraceptives or not, and whether my character use contraceptives as well. Nothing looked wrong to me, but nothing. Not even a single child. Even those with Egg Strength 2 do not get pregnant on their ovulating day. I've been trying for 40+ in game days, and still no results. The ONLY child I had was when I tried the breeder class, and added Fertile trait to my Perfect Specimen starting servant. So I was wondering whether pregnancy is only possible as the breeder class? I know it sounds stupid, but I don't have any other explanation. It could be grand if someone can explain what I did wrong, please and thank you in advance.

Welp, scratch all of that, someone FINALLY got pregnant. So what it took for it to finally happen was to enlarge your character's testicles to massive, producing 6oz of sperm each shot. Considering you can shoot 7 to 8 times as your slave's lust go higher, that means you can shoot out 42 to 48oz each session. A tad bit excessive, don't you think? But hey, I was finally able to get what I wanted, so I'm not really complaining, but whoo boy. Shoving your slave's vagoos with a jug o' jizz each day. Now that's a lotta damage! Unless she's into it.

Yeah, so that's been a balancing act of "My slaves all get pregnant without me wanting them to" and "The chance is too low". I erred on the lower side, but that's been a common complaint in this version. I'll up the chances again and keep looking for that holy grail of balance.

A fertility potion and/or spell would be a nice addition - better yet how about fertility drugs right after aphrodisiac option in the Customization menu?

That's a pretty solid idea right there