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Totally agree on your feedback! I definetly wanted to add lighting and particles, however i run into several issues when implementing them. For the particles I didn't had enough time to code, implement and adjusted them right within the timeframe, because for the core game I needed 5 days and I only had one day for the art. (I was only able to work 6 days on it) so I was forced to cut it. And the lighting. I used Unity 2017 because I am only used to monodevelop and upgrading to 2019 where 2D lighting is implemented would have meant to swap to Visual Studio and boy I only get so confused when the color code changes from the code and to adjust that would have taken too much time. So i totally agree, it hurt submiting without having the visual standard I wanted it to have, but I guess I should be happy enough for people enjoying the art and atmosphere I was able to create with like 8 assets xD