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WOW that was a hard game! The following are my thoughts recorded during the game:

+ Making the character go semi-transparent is a creative way to show the character passing under an area.
- Why is the play area so small? Why no full-screen button? In fact, why no download option?
+ The block puzzle is clever.
+ I like the abundance of hints
+ I love that the enemies are references to the other engines
- Why aren't there any battle backgrounds? It's kind of hard to see the enemies against the map.
- Game can be broken by dying while on the boat
+ This is a very unorthodox game, very challenging, but not unfair (provided you enter with the expectation that you aren't going to smash everything).
+ The boat is, uh, unique
- Not knowing how close the enemies are to death makes judging battles difficult. I want to defeat one of the enemies, but I don't know how close I am to winning.
- The battle animations are sparse. I know that battles aren't the focus of the game, but it would have made what was there more interesting.

"+" is for things I liked, "-" is for things I didn't like.

Overall, solid entry. It definitely captured the survival/rationing feel of Resident Evil. I almost didn't finish; luckily, I decided to try to exit the map and got to the end!

Thanks KV! I really like the semi-transparent tiles, you're the first one to comment on that :D

Also, really appreciate you taking the time to note down your thoughts. I didn't realize you could fight on the boat, not sure how to fix that but that's very good to know.

  • For some reason, I thought itch was either forced fullscreen/no fullscreen option. That's just my inexperience with the platform. I've enabled the fullscreen button now.
  • I added a download option to the post jam version. I didn't realize until after the fact that it's more ideal to have both. Oops.
  • Battle backgrounds weren't a priority, and even though it doesn't take much time to throw something on, I didn't want to pick a random one. I know some people hate that though, so will likely do something about it in a more polished version.
  • Re: difficulty I'm glad you like it! I knew going in, even if it wasn't unfair that it would be polarizing. That said, I only spent a few hours balancing combat, and I know it could be much much better haha
  • I like the boat too, and that you list it as a pro :D
  • On enemy health bars, I did realize in the final hours that it would be very helpful, but it was crunch time and I didn't wanna add a new plugin even though it's a fairly simple one haha. That's definitely a must have
  • Yeah, I straight up just didn't have time to create the animations haha

Appreciate the feedback!