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(1 edit)

I had fun playing the game and figuring the levels out. They are quite varied and I found them difficult but not too much.

I think the mechanic of screws resetting after picking up the key could be explained in the game, as I haven't noticed it until I read the description after beating the game already.

And it has the simple oversight that's in quite a lot of games, that you can move with A/D but not jump with W.  Probably due to using Axis "Horizontal" for movement (it has alternative buttons A/D) but jumping with just KeyCode.UpArrow :)

Yeah I agree that there should be an explanation for the screws. That'll probably be updated after the game jam. As for the jumping, I didn't find it necessary since the controls say to use the arrow keys, but I can see why it would be good to have W as a jump key since some people prefer WASD.

Thanks for playing and reviewing!