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I really enjoyed your game! I managed to finish it while being in the adult phase.

Here are my thoughts:


  • Nice, cute graphics
  • The laugh of death was cool and made things feel more urgent
  • I like that the spiders didn't simply home into the player character but had unique patterns they move along instead
  • The ending sequence looked great and was a nice touch
  • You properly credited the asset creators
  • I love the intro text and the idea behind the rewind mechanic, we all want to escape the clutches of death!

Could be improved:

  • Some more feedback for taking the pills would be nice. Maybe some kind of animation, color change, etc. of the player character.
  • I wasn't sure if I was playing the game correctly as there's no timer and no way of knowing how many pills I needed to take before anything would happen. I stayed an old man for a pretty long time, even while chugging pills like a madman.
  • Some kind of visual health bar or lives would be great so it's clear how many more hits you can take. I'm not sure if something like that is happening "behind the curtains" as I didn't die luckily.
  • This is more of a suggestion than anything else on here and probably hard to implement in the short time frame, but maybe make death the end boss. He could run up to you and swing/throw his scythe for example. Seeing him being destroyed in some way with the player character living another day would make for an even more emotional ending.

Well done on the game, I hope to see more from you!


This is great feedback, thanks a lot! The idea behind it was to be as minimal as possible in terms of indicating to the player where they were in terms of age - other than the visual representation of course. Just that time is ticking so keep moving and keep looking for the pills. The laughter itself was the only indication we gave (i.e. you better start taking those pills!). However, maybe an additional means of indicating to the player where in their “life cycle” they were would have been better! 

I really like the end boss idea and it’s definitely something that would have added to the tension! 

Thanks again for the feedback. It really helps us improve! :)