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Np bro, keep up the good work. I'm very impressed with the visuals and sounds. They are very eye catching. Also I would suggest making the game too easy than too difficult if you have to. I did this with the spawn rates of the ammo and health packs in my game. I could have done the drops 1/4 of what it is now but choose to make it easier for the players to play. 


Yeah I gotta agree with you on that. I was a little overzealous with the spawn rate there. Once more thanks for the detailed feedback. It is very valuable to me, since this is basically the first ever 'public' reviews of something I have made. So I really want to get it right next time and just have it done well so that people can enjoy it without struggling or feeling frustrated.


Honestly my game isn't much balanced itself, but now i understand people want to play easy games in jams because they are already playing at least 10+ games per day so making it easy help them. I have alot to improve as well and I like your positive attitude. Keep up the good work bro :D