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(1 edit) (+5)

Definitely seeing the "Getting Over It" influence ;) In the end I did not have the patience/endurance to finish the game (accidentally falling back to the start instead of going in the donate box is what did it for me), but I can see those who love those kinds of games (Jump King, Pogostuck...) also loving the hard to control character and the intense, risky platforming here! I also love the Toy Story vibes!


Hello Temperanza Bros.! We tried our best to make the game a LITTLE extra harder and I'm glad that you loved it! We are clearly inspired by Bennett Foddy's Game, and it was the first time(I think) someone mentioned Jump King, that was one of our inspiration in making this game as well. Thank you for playing our game!


I wanna say thanks for trying to finish the game before leaving a rating! Most people don't have the patience to even leave the first area and they suddenly leave salty comments about the movement mechanics LOL  We are happy to hear all the things you said here because you mentioned almost every source of inspiration we had. From Getting Over It to Toy Story, we're glad to see that our ideas were clear to at least a few people like you so, thank you so much for playing!


hank you for your feedback Temperanza Bros! I will check out your game and rate it as well! I will also follow you so we can support each other's content in the future. :)