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Game Design: I would have liked to know about the double jump in the initial tutorial. I didn't know we had a double jump until I got to a platform jump that seemed impossible given the mechanics. There were many jumps before that one that were difficult for me to do within the one jump. So at first I simply thought it was poor level design.  Also, I'm not a big fan of "leaps of faith" - pitfalls where you travel a long distance only to possibly land on spikes you didn't know were there. Normally a double jump helps prevent these deaths but ironically if I don't jump off, I don't get my second double jump and just plummet to a possible death. For future reference make sure we can still do one jump as we fall as a safety or don't place long drops with spiked death in places the player can't see until it's too late. Not a fan of "f" being an attack key when wasd are the move keys. Maybe left shift would have been a better choice? Basically it was hard to attack an enemy and then move back to avoid damage for me at least. Oh the pop up message text also pulled me out of the game immersion wise and when the words were finished it sat on the bottom of the screen rather than completely disappearing which continued to pull me out of the game.
Fun: Overall it was fun. I didn't have any unique elements as a platformer but the story did a decent job of keeping me engaged.
Innovation: Its a standard platformer and normally I don't give high marks on these but your story element at the end ties in the theme pretty well and since there is no category for story I'll give you some extra points here.
Theme: If I had not made it to the end I would not have understood your theme but since I did I gave you higher marks here. I still like it when a theme is tied more into the mechanics though.
Graphics: Graphics were great I gave you full marks for that. One of the nicer looking platformers I've played. I mistook your chandelier for a falling cage trap and felt like it was something I was supposed to interact with. Part of the reasoning for that could be that your game has a very dark atmosphere and yet they were more clearly in the foreground. If they serve no purpose for the platformer I suggest you make them dimmer so they look more like the background elemnt and not a foreground element (like the special boxes did). Also I would darken the background boxes.
Audio: I like the music that was used, it added to the atmosphere and I generally liked the sfx. I think a death sfx would be nice too though.

Overall great game! I look forward to seeing more!


very very thanks for you feedback.........thank you