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I suppose I find it surprising from my perspective as

A) someone who can't afford to spend time on a lot of media that takes 80 hours to finish, and prefer my entertainment short and sweet

and B) a content producer, from this end making 80 hours of content is a herculean task- compounded with the submitted comments at the end of the survey, it's evidence of unrealistic expectations from a lot of the respondents.

I mean, both monetarily (regardless of the seemingly bottomless well of disposable income that is the furry fandom) and in time investment, these fuckers take a lot of effort to make. Yeah, you can play Skyrim for hundreds of hours- but we can't all be Todd Howard.

There's also burnout, both creative (where the fuck can I take this story after 40 hours?) and physical (I've seen people in this niche fuck up their sleep schedules to meet Patreon deadlines) that I don't think most VN players are aware of.

And sometimes, you just want to see a writer/creator you admire take a stab at different ideas, and some premises are somewhat restrictive. You want to see them complete their projects and try new things.

I hope I'm not coming off as whiny, I love making this shit and so do the other wonderful VN creators I've met, I'm just wondering how many people replied "yup, I'd like to see this go on for 80+ hours" without considering that, you know, someone has to make all that stuff!


Yes but the survey question was 'Assuming an enjoyable VN, what is the maximum length it can be before it becomes excessive for you?' not how long do you expect VNs to be, so its entirely up to the creators how long they want to make their project this just show how long the audience is willing to spend enjoying it. If you like somthing it's more than likely you would be willing to spend over 80hrs with it.


True, maybe I'm looking too much into it.