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The art is lovely! I was confused at first as to who was speaking (reading the comment that the player character is unseen cleared that up), but other than that this was a very intriguing and well-executed tale. Really nice job putting this together in a weekend!


Thank you so much! It was definitely a little crazy pulling it all together, but we somehow worked together and figured it out! We wanted Elena (the POV characters) to actually have a sprite but ran out of time so we angled it more that the player was seeing things through her eyes. I'm definitely hoping to actually add her character art into the game at some point as I think that'll clear up some of the confusion and it would just be cool to see her visually c; 

Yeah, I'd definitely be interested to see this developed further if you decide to come back to it!

I’m certainly hoping to clean up any of the bugs and user experience stuff at the least.