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This one's pretty hard. I got my ass whooped by that spider in that platform area. I could not figure out how to get past it, and I tried for about 20-30 minutes just on that part. Got any tips? I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping knowing that I failed an episode of this amazing game.

I found some bugs too. I got stuck in the ground in some spots and when I was running from that spider as the young girl, I think it respawned me when I ran into some walls. I'm not sure what was happening there. I cut a lot of it out of my video but I can put together a bug video if you need something to reference. I just want this game to be the best that it can be. Nice job though. I'm dying to see what else happens because I didn't get very far this time.


The level where you got stuck is level 4, in case you try again so you don't repeat the previous ones again, the correct way in that area is to go in the direction the spider is going, all to the left, my advice is that you hide in the pieces of gray grass that there are in some platforms, no to detect the radar of the spider, thanks for playing it bro


oh damn, i didn't even think about hiding. I'm an idiot, haha! I'll try again and see what i can do. I gotta beat this. 


That is cool, the best of Ep 3 comes after that part hahaha