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I see the Dark/Demon Souls comparisons of some players, but this really doesnt compare; not because of diffculty, but becasue the clunky stamina mechanic is far too slow. Even with low stamina in a Soulsborne game, you can still attack and defend - being unable to attack or defend even from the worms and bats for 10 seconds while you go all the way back up to 100 stamina (not even just to positive numbers, but all the way to maximum) is not punishing, its poor gameplay.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback.  Really was unsure about this myself.  10 seconds sounds like a long time.  I did have some performance issues with the game which affected the stamina regeneration rate.  I wonder if that could also be part of it?  Anyway, thanks again for playing and taking the time to try it out.  Very much a confirmation that I needed to revise how that works.

Edit: Confirmed that the stamina regeneration rate is bugged.  You should be waiting a couple of seconds (generally) at most for full recovery.  Will get this fixed.


Hey thanks for the reply, hopefully I didn't come across too harsh. I really think this has potential, otherwise I wouldn't comment. Keep it up.

(1 edit) (+1)

Not at all, I appreciate the constructive criticism.  It's really really tough balancing a game when you have little or no one to play test.  You took the time to try it out AND give me some feedback and that is very valuable (most people would just shrug and move on).  This game suffered from scope creep and I lost sight of really refining the core combat/AI.  I'll definitely revisit this in either an update or sequel.