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So I did not get a chance to play this one during jam and I am really upset about that.   I love this game.  Smooth simple concept extremely well implemented and love the graphics and audio.   Only time I felt frustrated (not just bad) was with the size of some of the springboards, a few of the actual corridors that you can spring down are very narrow but the springboard was quite wide and allowed for a lot of "accurate" jumps that then proceeded to bounce you into death.  The speed of reload made that headache minimal though.   I would also just check, it felt like a couple of times I shifted very quickly to a faster moving ring with a very tiny response gap (aka asteroids coming up very soon), if that is the case (and it wasn't just me not watching closely enough) I would try to shift the camera angle to telegraph that a bit more.   If your choices are instant reaction or death it's usually good to know about that before you have to restart the level when you are on the last ring :)

Definitely needs more levels and this could be expanded upon, there are tons of other mechanics you can add in this, to shift his direction similar to but completely different from the springboards.  

Thank you very much. I agree with your crits, especially the springboards. I know they can be a little bit fiddly but i ran out of time before i could get them feeling better.

As for the upcoming asteroids, i tried to fix the camera positions better in the post-jam update so you can see them earlier, i also upped the game res so you have more view of what's going on. I think a part of the problem is that there are asteroids everywhere, and since those ones don't look any different, it can be hard to notice them as a potential hazard until it's too late (maybe i should try using a different hazard for those that pops visually from the asteroids).

Thanks for playing, and for your detailed comment.