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Thank you for the response.  I take it that the change in release date policy is very new as the 'mystic destinies echoes' pre- order says that game will be released in Summer 2017?

I read your statement on tumblr about the move to releasing on first and I wish I had known that was going to happen a month ago when I purchased Shou's full route here.  At that time Shinji's epilogue and Takumi's route and epilogue where not available for purchase on and because I enjoyed Shou's route so much and wanted to play all the released routes I decided to purchase on Steam where all the released routes where available at that time.  I really can't afford to duplicate all those purchases on at this time and without any idea when Hikaru's route (the one I'm most interested in) will be released I will not be pre-ordering them here for now.  I think I'll take 'a wait and see' attitude at this point until your company settles into less confused and more professional business practices.

I sincerely wish Aeon Dream Studios a successful future in game development and beyond.  I have really enjoyed the games you have produced and it is wonderful to experience english visual novels with mature themes and content catering to a primarily female audience.