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Is Coach Devon a romanceable character? 


There will be a route dedicated to him! He will be featured more extensively in the August update :)


Can't wait! :) 


Hahaha, that was exactly what was going through my head when I was introduced to the characters. Thanks for asking. ;)

Pale, how are you always this early to a new VN? Do you somehow get notifications or just browse? However this time, I think I was first, because nothing was written, yet.


I saw one of the people I'm following rated this VN, and decided to check it out. I don't usually browse because it frustrates me, I usually don't find what I like when I search in Itch... 


Oh, okay that's how you found out about it. True, itch's search system isn't fully convincing.


It's really bad, and I'm being generous about it.