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Dawn Chorus

A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's a standalone thing so it doesn't matter if you read it before or after Dawn Chorus, and the reading time depending on your tempo should be between an hour and two.

The working name for the project was different, but it was and is canon to the story.

We were thinking of it, maybe a Polish version will happen someday, but with >400k words of dialogues and narration in the game at the moment (and still a lot more to come), the work needed to translate the VN into any language would be immense.

Are you playing on Android? Did you have similar issues with the previous updates too, or is it the first time you downloaded the game? There definitely shouldn't be any distortion on the sound.

As Wick3tt mentioned, I'm rethinking parts of his route, and I'd also like to have more of the other routes written first considering how  this one is entangled with the rest.

No hard feelings! There are some plans to use the mentioned assets when the time allows 👀

Re-download the whole game, install in case of Android, simply remove the old folder an D unpack the new one in case of PC/Linux/Mac

Solved now!

(1 edit)

I'm aware of the issue, but I'm unable to make new builds until Wednesday at least :< Terribly sorry for it, I'll make the gallery accessible again as soon as I can!

None yet, all of them (other than Klaus) are on Day 4 (out of 5)

Every month c:

It's a song by Patricia Taxxon composed for Dawn Chorus!

No :c

We'd love to offer merch, we're working on something for you but manufacturing and testing is not a quick process u.u

I'm aware of the issue, I'll have to reorganise the GUI a little :< Expect a fix tomorrow, I'm terribly for this🙏

Five days for all the characters, nothing is complete yet!

Give me a few more hours, added some new content to it and I have to test everything!

I'll fix it now! Thank you


I'm writing the update for his route this month! 

Uploaded the new builds now, it should fix the issue with Android builds!

More people have this problem, I'll upload newer builds this evening!

I forgot how problematic Android builds can be 😩 I'll make new builds today and upload them here 

I understand the frustration with the project's art direction going in a different direction than you'd like to, there's nothing offensive with that. It's hard for me to relate because I'm a big fan of this sprite personally, but understanding how others perceive it is very important for me.

I decided to move away from the side-facing sprite and go back to a front-facing one after playing the VN with the new sprites. The sprite itself looked fine, but the vibes it was giving felt off. Side-facing sprite felt too detached while a front-facing one is engaged and confrontational. With that previous sprite we tested, the scenes with Mikko only didn't seem to have the same emotional impact to me. This one has better expressions, the pose with folded arms works so well with it, and it carries the same vibe as the current public sprite. I think it works well with the story and his route. My eyes don't parse him as infantile, but I'll try to play around with proportions a bit to see if I can arrive at something better. 

- Keo

The regular builds are back now, try downloading them and your saves should be there. I don't think anything should happen with the progress unless you were playing on Android and uninstalled the game.

We've heard not a lot, but a few very negative opinions about the new sprite, but we don't really grasp what the issues might be, apart maybe from sparsely drawn expressions (talking about no line connecting nose to mouth). I'm personally veyr happy with it and think it captures the energy of the original sprite very well. 

Can you tell us what you don't like about him? Posting the default sprite here.

It'll be back online after today!

Yes! As well as for the end of day 3 on Bjørn's route. We're waiting for the commissioned artwork! 

Only Jørgen left now!

It's the one least pleasant to read, I would say out of the three Snouts is the lightest.

Of course, all of the routes will be continued.

I need more Bjørn too 😩

Not only you have ran into this issue - I'll look into it as soon as I come back from the con and rest a bit! 

Uploaded a revised build - now the new artwork can be found in the gallery.

Blaidd Llwyd's playthrough of the latest Bjørn update!

It is a bit disheartening to read, even if I get the disappointment. Still - sourcing information from pirate websites and then inferring things and then coming here to demand answers feels disrespectful to us as developers and we don't feel inclined to answer.

We're a team and Haku is working on the reworks and setting the direction for it. I support them in this because we're all working hard to make this VN the best we can. The response to the reworks in total has been positive and we continue to work on them - some of the details I've shared in the latest devlog, and I'll get back with more news once we have any we're ready to share with the public.

Thank you ^^

Lake's day 3 isn't finished yet!

If you scroll down, they're in one of the comments near the bottom!

Unfortunately no, games built on RenPy aren't compatible with iOS :c