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Hey Max! Loved playing through the game, honestly blew my expectations out of the water. I know a few people have already asked as well, but I would LOVE to support you in some way for this game, whether it be through Patreon or any other means.

Here's to hopefully many more playthroughs as the game continues to be developed! 😁


About the support. Currently you can buy the "tiles" pack and pay what du you want:

I dont know if Max has a Patreon, paypal or something like that. 


Thanks! Yeah, I have a PayPal and patreon but I don't know if I ever put anything on the patreon. Maybe I should 😬

Some screenshots in the month and the update dev log link will be ok, bro. :p 

Whatever means necessary, I'd love to support your work even further if that's something you feel like doing for people 😁 even just little small screenshots here and there and maybe WIP kind of stuff would be cool to see.

I'm probably going to play it some more because I honestly hadn't even realized that Gascoigne was already in and with Eileen in now as well, I feel like playing again hahah.

Thanks for the response!