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If you are lazy to find everything on the internet (I was too, because there is just too much info and it's really hard to get just what is needed when you are totally beginner), go and buy  2D unity course in  udemy, I started there.  Last game jam was my first too, I felt  very inexperienced but it went really well in the end! Good luck on your first game jam!

I don't think a 14 year old can get money for that.

Unity Learn is free:

You can try starting with this one:

Thanks but 2G network is not for that to load.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I know. Just saying that it is the easiest way to learn without taking much efforts, because of how not easy it was to properly learn a least something  for me, I gave up a lot of times, and this tutorial finally dragged  me trough that! Not saying I learnt a lot but it was enough to create something and move on on myself! I think 10$ is not that much!

That's 730 rupees for me.