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i know i ask this so freaking much buuuuuuuuuut-


I know this is really late buuuuuuuuuut-

lol sure

ok, undertale?

(1 edit)


Sure :>

ok, i have a new oc! this time she is a elderly person!

she is the royal gardener of the underground! she was a big support for both toriel and asgore. She is 67 years old, which is older then the king and the queen, making her one of the oldest people on the underground!

sorry for butting in like dis

but she ish adorable

and i want teh hug her

me too! she is my first ever elder oc! do you think i did a good job? (btw her eyes were stitched when she was 20)


yes!! you did a great job!!

(oh, well idk if thats not good but thats not good*

Thanks man!

ur welcome!!

sorry I was making one as well

Her soul is sadness 

Her tail and claws come from her father's side but she does not know him

Her mother died a month ago and was brutally murdered

She lost her ability to speak from the overwhelmed sadness

She jumped down because she could not except any of this

Yours is really cute :>

thanks! yours is cute and sad as well :>

*rp start!*

-you had fallen down, it somehow didn't hurt... you hear a faint humming in the sounds like a old person... call for help or stand up?-

???: -stands up- 

Ty :>

???: *humming a sweet melody*  -hears your footsteps and turns back-oh, hello there, young one! *she stands up and starts coming towards you... will you run away or trust her?*

???: -she looked around seeing as through wasent really an escape except the way she came so she just backedmup a bit-