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Ok so besides the very few glitches here and there that are always a part of any jam game, I have a few pointers in terms of design

  • I didn't fully understand when I was getting a new ability, and I was force to use them to get a new one, you could probably make that a bit more clear
  • The fact that I was forced to use them made me realized that I was better of without using the, the initial rifle is a pretty cool weapon
  • Most of the abilities seemed negative, so why bother using them? This can be fixed by making the abilities have both effects, so you are force to make a choice. For example, the half life ability could be paired with a Double Damange, that way you'd make a choice
  • Don't force the player to use them in order to get a new one, I understand this was part of the main mechanic but maybe allow them to discard an ability with a penalty. This would make more sense if negative abilities are paired with positive effects, otherwise the player will always discard when it's a negative and use when it's a possitive. There are many roguelike games tha use this "cursed item" kind of mechanic tha has both positive and negative effects, you could check them out

Those are the things that come to my mind right now, you should expand it and fix those issues!! It's a neat entry! Great job!!  Congrats on your game! Keep up the good work! :D