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Hello monchimutt idk if its just me but sometimes for most of renpy vn that i play when the keyboard pop up the screen will stuck at the top like this, it's doesn't happening if the keyboard don't make the screen goes upward though, well i think renpy had a problem with keyboard thing, since there's 2 problem with keyboard that i found while play vn that's use renpy, first is what i explained before and the second is if the screen doesn't go upward for some vn the word will disappear after you click the enter button so be careful with that. And I play version 0.11 btw, i found that if you clik the home button and open this vn again it will back to normal so there's nothing serious here but it's just little annoying, but i love yours story so far so keep it up, and be safe, healthy, and happy because we need you write this vn to the end lol.

I... don't know how to fix that XDa What version of android does your phone/tablet have? 

android 10 btw, maybe that's exactly why i got  this kind of bug very often, since the renpy not updated to user who have android 10?.

Maybe @w@ sorry but I think this is a compatability issue, and shouldn't your keyboard goes into "Pop up" mode? .3.a

for my phone it will drag the screen text box upward so i still can see what i write but usually it's will came down again afterwards, but for the vn from renpy sometimes it will stuck like that, but yeah it's maybe just compatibility issues, it's not a big problem though since i can fix it with just click home button and open it again or just use safe files, but it's may be a little annoying if there is more thing to write in the game for the next update lol,  but afterall i still love your vn though so don't worry about it.

Lmao Monchimutt is so quirky even in that he doesn't even have his own profile pic unlike the others. Cute.