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(1 edit) (+1)

I really like this idea -- it's super clever, fits the theme really well, and the puzzles are well designed.  Levels 8 and 9 are both great in the department of "Wow, this looks simple" but is actually much harder than it looks, which is a fun trope to pull to show the strange consequences of the mechanics.  It does become a little hard to keep track of where you're going to land, especially if you have multiple regain control cards going -- I'm not sure what you would be able to do about that, the best I could think of is a button you hold to show a grid of numbers or something, but idk if that would even look good in the aesthetic or be intuitive.

Anyway, one of my favorites in the jam.  Great game.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm gonna test out a timeline of cards and a couple of other things to try to assist in keeping track of regain control cards better.


Also, I should mention too that I left that comment around level 6, edited it around level 9, and now I've just finished level 18 (which was pretty difficult, but totally fair in the end).  I'm impressed with the longevity of the game, it's probably one of the longest I've played in the jam, and it was neat to see you introduced a new mechanic halfway through with the buttons.

Yeah it did end up quite a long game haha. Some of the 18 levels aren't too great but I figured I would let people play and see what people enjoyed. I doubt too many people got up to the buttons because of how long it takes to beat many of the earlier levels but I'm glad you got to test them out.